We call it Ballet

  • Kesto: noin 1 h, ei väliaikaa.
  • Liput: 42 / 34 / 26 / 19 €
ti 4.3.2025 klo 18:00Sleeping Beauty in a dazzling light show
ti 4.3.2025 klo 20:00Sleeping Beauty in a dazzling light show

Experience the timeless tale of Sleeping Beauty like never before with We call it Ballet at The Alexander Theatre. This is an unforgettable theatrical experience where immaculate dancers light up the stage with LED costumes.

Phenomenal ballet dancers
Phenomenal ballet dancers perform spellbinding routines with ethereal grace and exquisite technique.

Dazzling LED dresses
Every pirouette and gravity-defying leap leaves a trail of colour, as LED costumes create a stunning display of light.

The timeless tale of Sleeping Beauty
Technology and art come together, breathing new life into the classic tale of the cursed princess awakened by her true love’s kiss.

Fall in love with the art of Ballet.


The tickets are sold only on Fever website, not in Alexander theatre or Lippu.fi.

Lippuja voi ostaa ainoastaan Feverin omasta verkkokaupasta. Lippuja ei ole myynnissä Aleksanterin teatterin lipunmyynnissä tai Lippu.fin verkkokaupassa.


Mikäli tarvitset apua lipunoston tai tehdyn tilauksen kanssa, ota yhteyttä Feveriin tämän linkin kautta.